Psychedelic Non-Squares update
Now all of my non-readers may wonder where all of my good intentions about actually knitting squares went. I can pretty much tell you that they went the way of many good intentions. Not that I'm not planning on knitting more squares (I am), and not that I haven't been knitting squares at all (I have) but there are two problems with knitting squares as quickly as I had anticipated:
1. I am splicing the yarn in the middle of the squares in order to save knitting in ends. I like how this looks (well, the non-perfectionist bit of me does, and it generally manages to convince the anal-retentive portion of me that I could not do better with other methods), but it means that I need to pay a lot of attention to the knitting at the color changes (to make sure the splice is at the right place) and I need to rub the yarn a lot when I splice, which means that it isn't actually good QUIET knitting. Which in turn means that I can't knit it in a lot of places (classrooms, theaters) so knitting time is severely limited.
2. Since I'm casting on the sides with provisional cast-on, this project requires a lot more materials than many other projects. While each individual piece is small, it also requires a crochet look, scrap yarn, scissors, a safety pin, and two balls of yarn. Thus it is not as easy to travel with as I was hoping, even if it was socially acceptable for me to have it with me.
These two facts, put together, mean that the knitting is going much slower than planned. But I am determined (and I really like the pattern) so it is moving along. Maybe in a decade or so I'll have it done. =)
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