Several things. For some reason, the server in charge of my domain forwarding is down, so the blog is not at its usual location. Hopefully, I'll be able to change it back soon. (And then I'll have to change all of the image locations AGAIN...)
First, a few long-overdue pictures of things I've been knitting. First, my wonderful roommate Kathryn in Tubey (which I gave to her because she looked great in it, while I just looked lumpy).
Next, my equally wonderful roommate Hana, along with a "Plain Jane" purse I knit for her. (You can't see the purse that well (it was late, so sue me), but every other row is knit 1, slip one with yarn in front, and the WS rows are purled.)
(It was like 2 in the morning when I took this. I know it's all my fault.) And, lastly, my (also wonderful) roommate Kate in Odessa (which I gave to her because when I said "who wants this ugly orange hat?" she said "I do.")
So I'm all caught up now. (And in case you're wondering how many more roommates I have to show you: I have seven roommates.)
(OK, I lied. I'm not all caught up because I haven't shown you the orangutang shrug yet. You can keep waiting. I'll show it to you when I'm less embarrassed/mystified.)
Today was really embarrassing. I'm knitting a scarf to relax and use up the leftover yarn from Tubey. (I put all of the balls into a pile, and then I reach into the pile, pick up a ball, and knit only that ball until it's done.) It's just a lengthwise garter stitch scarf (and it's looking a little too short, but that's not that big a deal, it's a scarf). At the moment, I just have two stripes:
(I tried to get the scarf to sit up straight, but it insisted on kinking up on me.) The mistake? I was trying to knit in class, and I started knitting the scarf on metal needles. (I've been knitting on only wooden needles for so long that I forgot that it's possible for knitting to make noise.) After about 2 minutes I gave up; I couldn't knit. The needles just insisted on clicking every time I tried to make a stitch. I couldn't deal with sitting in class and clicking. Which meant that I got stared at my everyone in my class (my class is a little small) and then couldn't knit. It was awful.
A week and a half to go until I turn in my thesis... I'm not sure I'll survive this...
First, a few long-overdue pictures of things I've been knitting. First, my wonderful roommate Kathryn in Tubey (which I gave to her because she looked great in it, while I just looked lumpy).
Next, my equally wonderful roommate Hana, along with a "Plain Jane" purse I knit for her. (You can't see the purse that well (it was late, so sue me), but every other row is knit 1, slip one with yarn in front, and the WS rows are purled.)
(It was like 2 in the morning when I took this. I know it's all my fault.) And, lastly, my (also wonderful) roommate Kate in Odessa (which I gave to her because when I said "who wants this ugly orange hat?" she said "I do.")
So I'm all caught up now. (And in case you're wondering how many more roommates I have to show you: I have seven roommates.)
(OK, I lied. I'm not all caught up because I haven't shown you the orangutang shrug yet. You can keep waiting. I'll show it to you when I'm less embarrassed/mystified.)
Today was really embarrassing. I'm knitting a scarf to relax and use up the leftover yarn from Tubey. (I put all of the balls into a pile, and then I reach into the pile, pick up a ball, and knit only that ball until it's done.) It's just a lengthwise garter stitch scarf (and it's looking a little too short, but that's not that big a deal, it's a scarf). At the moment, I just have two stripes:
(I tried to get the scarf to sit up straight, but it insisted on kinking up on me.) The mistake? I was trying to knit in class, and I started knitting the scarf on metal needles. (I've been knitting on only wooden needles for so long that I forgot that it's possible for knitting to make noise.) After about 2 minutes I gave up; I couldn't knit. The needles just insisted on clicking every time I tried to make a stitch. I couldn't deal with sitting in class and clicking. Which meant that I got stared at my everyone in my class (my class is a little small) and then couldn't knit. It was awful.
A week and a half to go until I turn in my thesis... I'm not sure I'll survive this...
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